Although not all are bad days, these.
True, the problem of mother and her husband remains suspended in the air, and it’s certainly not forgotten.
But as the days go by, the tension is released, we can, everyone here including me, see the things with a more relaxed.
I’ve been here a week, the first few days I was in pieces.
I fretted and mulled continuously on the various things that happened while I was in Padua, as the distance has not accumulated other things I saw and remembered details, looks, sentences.
It all contributed to charge on my shoulders a burden that crushed me, that I couldn’t react.
But I didn’t realize at all, thought to be normal, to be able, on the contrary, to endure everything and leave it behind without problems.
But I didn’t and now, even if a short time has passed, I realize that, and things are already different.
My brother and my sister were worried about me, and still are, although less.
They’re filling me of coddling, pampering.
My sister says that her husband has adopted me 🙂
And they are doing everything to give me things to do to fill my hours of others, different, thoughts.
Last night my sister and I we took a night off, we went to eat a flatbread to the sea.
Alone, she and I 🙂
It was a beautiful evening, warm in the right way, we took a walk on the pier of the port-channel of Porto Garibaldi watching the fishing boats go out for fishing, breathing in the salty, resuming contact with water and earth.
There was a sky with thousands of stars, what in our cities we never see.
There was the black sea dotted with the lights of the boats, the coast line was bright and colorful, to the horizon.
It was good, it made me feel good, I restarted to breathe.
This morning my brother got me a program of things to do: treadmill for 20 minutes, hot shower, massage, etc.
But in addition to the feeling of confidence and stability.
He said: “Here you are at home, you should feel good and know you can relax in your own home, and you can do it here”.
what have I to say ..
As always, it seems to me like a dream, from which I’ll have to wake up.
And I stiffen, and I do not enjoy fully what I have, too much fear that will end, that’s just a parenthesis.
I can not afford to get used to anything nice, don’t know if I will have the strength to give it up, then.
It seems to me to walk into a world of crystal that sparkles and I’m afraid it breaks.